Publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016
Publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016

publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016

  • Most of our publications are picture books but occasionally, we publish black and white chapter books for middle school readers, such as the Earth Heroes biography series, when there is a strong environmental and inspirational element.
  • There may be cumulative verse, as in Under One Rock or The Tree in the Ancient Forest. There may be a song, as in Over in the Ocean or River Song. There may be a story, such as Eliza and the Dragonfly or Amy’s Light.

    publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016

    We generally don’t publish “straight” nonfiction without some other feature that will capture a child’s attention.It’s extremely helpful when titles are well-suited for classroom use and fit into the standards that teachers have to follow these days.We are seeking to inspire children as well as educate them. Our picture books are intended to encourage an appreciation for nature and a respectful participation in it. Simultaneous Submissions: Yes What to Pitchĭawn publishes “nature awareness” titles for adults and children. We aim to help parents and teachers encourage children to bond with the earth in a relationship of love, respect, and intelligent cooperation through the books we publish and the educational materials we offer online. Writer’s Guidelines: About Dawn Publicationsĭawn Publications is dedicated to inspiring in children a deeper understanding and appreciation for all life on Earth. Dawn PublicationsĪddress: 12402 Bitney Springs Road, Nevada City, CA 95959 they also accept unagented submissions from first-time authors!) To help you keep your eye on the prize, here are five publishing companies that accept children’s and young adult manuscripts. (When I took part in Script Frenzy, the screenwriter’s equivalent to NaNo, it was three months before I sucked it up and began working on draft two!) Learn more about submitting your work to Indigo Sea Press.Once the rush of being a NaNoWriMo champion wears off, more often than not, panic sets in about the revision process. The company publishes and accepts manuscripts belonging to these categories: science fiction and paranormal, romance, mainstream fiction, women’s fiction, historical fiction, children’s and middle grade books, young adult fiction, action and adventure, and crime and mystery. “Indigo Sea Press is the new voice of literature in the third millennium,” according to the publisher’s website. Indigo Sea Press is a small traditional press accepting unsolicited submissions from unagented writers. Learn more about Black Balloon’s submission guidelines. Catapult said it will continue to publish under its eponymous and the Black Balloon imprints. Its parent company, Catapult, recently merged with Counterpoint Press. “We use our freedom as an independent publisher to take risks, collaborate, rewrite industry rules, and diversify the selection of books available to readers today.”īlack Balloon is open to unagented and unsolicited submissions twice a year-in April and October.

    publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016

    “We’re not interested in categories,” according to the publisher. New York-based Black Balloon Publishing is seeking literary fiction, memoir, and nonfiction. Black Balloon Publishing is open to unagented and unsolicited submissions of literary fiction and nonfiction in October, while Indigo Sea Press welcomes submissions of mainstream fiction and various genres throughout the year.

    publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016

    If you have an unpublished manuscript, gear up for submission this fall.

    Publishers accepting unsolicited manuscripts 2016